An international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to child bearing.

All Of Us Together

Alison Vile Program Facilitator

Dawn Miller Visiting Rural Maternal and Child Health Nurse

Young Families and a Home Visiting Nursing Service in Rural Victoria

Maternal and Child Health Service - 'New Initiatives' Program

Towong Shire Council PO Box 55 Tallangatta Vic 3700
Phone/ Fax (02) 6071 2997

The Visiting Rural Maternal and Child Health Nursing Service is providing additional parenting support for rural families with pre-school children in North East Victoria. The service, totally funded by the Victorian Government Department of Human Services 'New Initiatives' program, is additional and complementary to the established Maternal and Child Health Service.

Consultations are in the client's home, the time and number of visits are negotiated with the parents according to their needs. Referral from a health provider is not necessary. The service provides antenatal information and postnatal domiciliary care. The first few months following the infant's birth may be particularly stressful when the family is adjusting to the new family member. Extra support is offered during this time. Traditionally, fathers in the rural areas frequently perceive the Maternal and Child Health Centres as 'mother' oriented and that the care of the young infant is the responsibility of the mother. Fathers are encouraged to be in attendance during the visits by the nurse and to give emotional and practical support to the mother. Since the program commenced there has been a significant increase in fathers acquiring parenting knowledge and skills.

Anecdotal evidence supports our belief that this visiting service by educating, empowering and supporting both parents, sanctioning the involvement of fathers with their children's care and development are contributing factors to family health and well being both now and in the future.

Key Words

Rural families, home visiting, parenting, fathers.

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Where Do I Find Help?

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If you are experiencing distress, please contact your doctor or go to your nearest hospital. The following links may be useful resources.

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