An international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to child bearing.

Improving Postnatal Outcome

Anne Buist*, Carol Morse, Jeanette Milgrom, Sarah Durkin

*Correspondence: Austin Repatriation Medical Centre, Repat Campus, Dept Psychiatry, Locked Bag 1, West Heidelberg 3081

Fourteen per cent of women develop a depressive illness postpartum; a majority of these women are not seen by Mental Health Professionals, though their illness may be chronic and have significant impact on the family and their child's development.

The authors report on a project conducted over three years, where education and liaison with Maternal Child Health Nurses and General Practitioners aimed to improve recognition, community management, and improve liaison with specialist mental health services.

Outcomes of women will be reported; a majority were managed successfully in the community, but lack of local services was highlighted by both the women and the MCHN's. GP attendance was poor, but MCHN's were positive and enthusiastic about the education and liaison. Regional differences in support services and the effect this had on community management will be highlighted.

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If you are experiencing distress, please contact your doctor or go to your nearest hospital. The following links may be useful resources.

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