An international society for the understanding, prevention and treatment of mental illness related to child bearing.

Risky Business - Identification Of Risk Factors, Actions And Outcomes

Margaret Gibbons, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Child and Family Health

Sue Tomkins, Social worker, Family Care Centre, Parramata.

Parramatta Community Health Centre, 158 Marsden Street, Parramatta 2150

In this paper the presenters will give an overview of maternal, family and infant risk factors that have been identified through a universal home visiting program for all postnatal women. The referral process, management and outcomes to secondary services will be examined. The home visiting program was commenced 1998 in a large area of western Sydney.

Through identification of risk factors and ongoing joint management with the referring agent, we will identify the difficulties and the positive outcomes that have been encountered for parents and families.

This area of Western Sydney Area Health Service has a commitment to Early Identification and Intervention principles through the CHASP process and this home visiting program was developed to further this practice. Overwhelming literature support worldwide also underpins the philosophy. The program focuses on risk issues of depression, breast feeding, child protection and immunisation.

Detailed statistical information is gathered monthly to highlight risk identification and ensure appropriate management and referral. A research project is currently being undertaken to measure women's responses to the program.. In this presentation, case material will be used from clients attending secondary services that have been followed through from the home visiting program.

A commitment to optimal mental health of mothers, fathers and infants in this area of Western Sydney Area Health Service is paramount for the third millenium.

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