Research And Clinical Implications Of The Nhmrc Information Paper On Postnatal Depression (2000)
A/Professor Sherryl Pope, Coordinator Clinical Psychology Postgraduate Program, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup Campus, WA.
In 2000, the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia published an extensive review of scientific peer-reviewed literature conducted regarding Postnatal Depression. The review addressed multidisciplinary research results in the areas of prevalence, clinical presentation, course, risk factors, detection, treatment and prevention of postnatal depression. Originally, the main purpose of the literature review was to form the basis for the development of clinical practice guidelines for health practitioners that would recommend preferable assessment, treatment, management and referral procedures. However, during the review process it became clear that making such recommendations at present would be inappropriate as the available evidence largely comprised cohort and observational studies without sufficient reliable scientific rigour in their methodology. This paper will discuss important research target areas that await future investigation, preferably with large well controlled research designs, such as randomised controlled trials and multi-centre trials.