The Mother-Child Interaction Group - A Pilot Study
Tina Berryman Kamp MSocSci(Hons), DipPsych(Clin), MNZPsS, MICP
Registered Psychologist, Maternal Mental Health Service, Ground Floor
Building 14, Greenlane Hospital, Auckland, Phone: (09) 630 9943 x 4454
For many women with post-natal distress, their relationship with their baby is not rewarding, and is characterised by misunderstanding of their baby and withdrawal or over intrusiveness on the part of the mother. Traditional treatments for post-natal depression (medication, support groups, and psychotherapy) are often not successful in altering these patterns. To be effective, Intervention needs to be targeted specifically at the mother-child relationship. In response to these findings, we have developed a mother-child interaction group at Maternal Mental Health, which we will conduct as a pilot study over this year. If effective, we hope to incorporate this group into our service. A student from the University of Auckland Psychology Department is evaluating the group. I present the initial findings from this evaluation, and discuss the implications of these in light of running this type of group, as part of a wider Mental Health Service and the resources required.